Everyone has habits; both good and bad. These are behaviors undertaken every day automatically. Successful people intentionally create success habits that enable them to achieve the life they desire. They are prepared to invest their time in creating these habits as they understand that they will help them to reach their goal.


Creating new habits has to be an intentional process and generally takes 21 days for the new behavior to be assimilated into daily life and routines.


Successful people tend to adopt the same habits. These success habits become part of their daily lives and help to keep them successful as they understand that the journey to success is not final. It continually moves as they need to keep growing in terms of achievement.


An entrepreneur may set his goal of achieving success at selling services worth 5 figures in one year. However, once that goal has been achieved he will re-evaluate his definition of success and set another goal for the following year.


Generally, the following five habits will be key to gaining success and maintaining it.


Live Within Your Means: successful people avoid overspending by paying themselves first. They save 20 percent of their net income and live on the remaining 80 percent. 

Among those who are struggling financially, almost all are living above their means. They spend more than they earn and their debt is overwhelming them. If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to make a habit of saving and budgeting what you spend.

Prioritization: successful people plan and they prioritize. They decide what the essential elements or tasks are each day and act on those first. By knowing which tasks will help them achieve their goal they are continuing to act on the plan for success that they created.


Delegating inessential tasks ensures that they get completed but do not detract from your ultimate goal.


And how much of your valuable time do you lose parked in front of a TV screen? Two-thirds of successful people watch less than 1 hour of TV a day and almost that many – 63 percent – spend less than 1 hour a day on the Internet. 


Instead successful people use their free time engaged in personal development, networking, volunteering, working a side job or side business, or pursuing some goal that will lead to rewards down the road. But 77 percent of theos struggling financially spend 1 hour or more a day watching TV, and 74 percent spend an hour or more a day surfing the Internet recreationally.

Goal Setting:  You cannot control the outcome of a wish, but you can control the outcome of a goal. Every year, 70 percent of the wealthy pursue at least one major goal. Only 3 percent of those struggling to make ends meet do this.Identifying the end goal and creating a plan is another essential habit. Without a goal you won’t know what you are aiming for. All successful people know what success means to them and plan how to achieve it.


Successful people understand that procrastination impairs quality and creates dissatisfied customers/clients. If you feel like you are procrastinating with your goals here are some strategies that will help you avoid procrastination:


  • Create daily to-do lists. These are your daily goals. You want to complete 70 percent or more of your to-do items every day.
  • Have a “daily five.” These activities represent the crucial things that will help you to get closer to realizing some major purpose or goal.
  • Set and comunicate artificial deadlines. There’s nothing wrong with finishing early.
  • Have accountability partners. These are people you team with to pursue a big goal. Communicate with them at least evry week, and make sure that tey hold your feet to the fire.
  • Say a “do it now” affirmation. This is a self-nagging technique. Repeat the words “do it now” over and over again until you begin a task.

Life-long Learning: whether it is reading, taking a course or listening to audio recordings, successful people understand that knowledge is power and a crucial aspect of helping them to achieve their goals. They stay up-to-date on relevant industry information, new trends and innovations. This is built into their daily routine.


Reading information increases your knowledge about your business or career and it will make you more valuable to your customers or clients. Did you know that successful people read 30 minutes or more everyday? 


  • 63 percent listen to audiobooks. 
  • 79 percent read educational career-related material.
  • 55 percent read for personal development.
  • 58 percent read biographies of successful people.
  • 94 percent read current events.
  • 51 percent read about history.
  • 11 percent – only 11 percent- read purely for entertainment purposes.


The reason successful people read is to improve themselves. Reading will seperate you from the competition. By increasing your knowledge, you will be able to see more opportunities which means more money. If you find yourself struggling financially it could be because you are not engaging in this daily self-improvement reading , and as a result you are not growing professionally.



Positive Mind-set: having a positive mind-set can be learned. It will require mental programming (changing your thinking patterns). There are various ways to create a positive mind-set including using positive affirmations, visualization, self-hypnosis or coaching.


One of the most crucial factors in succeeding in anything is to believe that you can achieve it.

These are just five of the key habits of successful people. By adopting these success habits into your daily routine, you will be creating a stronger, healthier and more successful version of you.

Bio: Speaker Support Consultant

Deborah Northcutt is the CEO of https://www.FreeYouUpVA.com.  I am a Speaker Support Consultant who helps new and aspiring speakers find their ideal speaking opportunities. I help free you up to speak so that you can make more money and live the life that you dreamed of.


Join my Facebook community for speakers Support For Spectacular Speakers.

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